Household of Faith is deeply committed to spreading the gospel to those who have not heard. Over 35% of our budget goes toward missions, primarily outside the US. It is our belief that every local church is commanded to spread the gospel both in their “Jerusalem” and “to the uttermost part of the world” (Acts 1:8). We are involved in both.
Indigenous African Missions
Household of Faith works alongside several indigenous mission groups in Africa. Our partnership with them includes:
- Sending short-term teams to train missionaries and leaders in local congregations.
- Funding projects, such as building a missionary training facility in Nigeria and facilitating conferences and seminars for church leaders.
- Supplying needed materials for evangelism, such as Bibles and Christian literature, Jesus film back-packs, technological equipment, and much more.
- In the USA, taking mission awareness programs to local churches, and training groups in disciple-making and intercessory prayer.
To learn more about these various organizations, use the following links:
- Calvary Ministries CAPRO: https://caprousa.org https://capromissions.org
- Heirs of God Christian Ministries: http://www.heirsofgod.org/
- Ethnos Christian Mission: (Article) https://www.sfmiusa.org › pdf › other › Ethnos Info.pdf
Write-Way Prison Ministries
Write-Way Prison Ministries seeks to introduce Jesus Christ to each incarcerated person in Texas and Louisiana through a curriculum of free English and Spanish Bible correspondence courses graded by volunteers from local churches.
Website: http://www.writewaypm.org
Highlands of Jalisco Mexico – Church Planting
In 1999 Household of Faith commissioned Steve and Linda Montgomery to go back out on the mission field in Mexico to plant a church in Atotonilco El Alto, Mexico. This is a town in the Highlands of Jalisco where there had previously been no established evangelical church. Since that time, we have seen the good news of Jesus Christ proclaimed and the Lord richly bless that work. There is now a vibrant church body in Atotonilco as well as smaller assemblies of believers in the surrounding towns.
If you want to know more about the work in the Highlands, please visit the church’s website at: https://m.facebook.com/casadepanatoto/
Shield of Faith International
Shield of Faith Mission International, a Christ-centered, denominationally unaffiliated missionary organization since 1953. SFMI seeks to fulfill its role in the Great Commission on two fronts: world evangelization and discipleship in local churches. Our ministry, both at home and abroad, includes Bible conferences, missionary training, and seminars. Our objective is to edify, to encourage the exercise of each believer’s gift, to stimulate vision, and to inform.
Website: SFMIusa.org
Thrive Women’s Clinic
The goal of Thrive Women’s Clinic is to provide support, help, and resources to women in the Dallas area who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy. This includes equipping, empowering, and educating them on choices during an unintended pregnancy. Regardless of what their clients are considering, they provide all the education and resources including free pregnancy test and ultrasounds – all of which are provided at no charge with no insurance required.
Website: https://thrivewomensclinic.com/
Pioneer Bible Translators
Pioneer Bible Translators bridges the gap between the church and the Bibleless peoples around the world. Their team is composed of Bible translators, literacy evangelists, church planters and a variety of support personnel working to see transformed lives through God’s Word in every language.
Website: https://pioneerbible.org/
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.
Website: https://www.cefonline.com/