
The Great Commission and the Great Commandment

Jesus taught us that the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. This is the starting point for each individual believer.  Then He gave us His “new commandment” that we love one another, just as He has loved us.  This is a sacrificial love that binds us together as a local church, and reveals to lost people that we are truly His disciples.

In Jesus’ last hours with His disciples, He commissioned them (and us) to go and make disciples among all ethnic peoples. Our desire at Household of Faith is to make disciples by proclaiming His message through the gospel and demonstrating His love by our lives.  Then, as people come to faith, to incorporate them into the life of the assembly.  The goal is to see them grow and be equipped to make disciples of others.  Ultimately this results in the proliferation of new assemblies and sister church relationships with other like-minded believers.  In addition, we seek to send out disciple-makers to other parts of the world in obedience to Jesus’ mandate.

The Importance of the Home Church

The New Testament speaks at length about “one another” ministry.  We know that every believer is gifted by the Holy Spirit with a super-natural ability to serve their brothers and sisters.  Thus, we believe that the best way to use these gifts and practice genuine love is for families to gather in small groups to worship God and minister to one another.  Within Household of Faith, the Home Church is fundamental to our concept of the local church and designed to be a life-changing organism for carrying out both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.